new media art, e-music, hacktivism
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G2G Share
G2G Share, peer-to-peer through Google Mail.
File sharing is unstoppable, being based on a mere data reading/writing and transmission, and nothing will daunt it. Its infrastructures have faced in recent times the copyright devotee's attacks, but for every crushed solution, a new one always arise. So far the electronic mail medium has not been used diffusely as an exchange method, because it lacked the essential feature for an exchange infrastructure: an index database. The G2G Share project takes advantage of the Google Mail accounts' free disk space, using it as a shared file storage. A simple infrastructure is established out of the respective owners' accounts sharing, indexing the files and so making them searchable. This project reminds of a Michael Robertson's insight in 1999 when he established the service within his very popular platform. Registered users got a free online storage for their owned cd, then converted in mp3 files, creating a de facto sharing platform. That attempt was quickly terminated by the RIAA legal army, but it has been only the first of a long list of technologies created for the files exchange. And now this approach is ready to take over the meta-infrastructures, as the huge disk spaces of the free web mail.