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Italian version


18.03.03 Next Italian Hackmeeting to be held in Turin.
The people attending the pre-hackmeeting meeting held last weekend at the Strike social center in Rome, during the Kaos tOur for supporting the project, have fixed the location of the next hackmeeting. It will be held in Turin in the days immediately before the Radio Blackout party, which is yet to be scheduled, but will be held during June or July 2003. Among the proposals there are technical seminars both for beginners and for experts as well as non-technical ones about Hacktivism, Open Source, Gnu Philosophy, Cyber-rights, EUCD, DMCA and more. As in the previous editions, cameras will not be allowed inside the place. A poster similar to the one used for the 2001 edition, held in Catania, will be used for advertising the event. It's in A4 format, black and white, so as to make possible to xerox and spread it in the whole of Italy in a very short time. The official supporting media will be Candida TV and Radio Cybernet.