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Marina Vishmidt with Mary Anne Francis, Jo Walsh and Lewis Sykes, Media Mutandis: a Node.London Reader, surveying art, technologies and politics, NODE.London, ISBN 0955243505 . book
(edited by) Marina Vishmidt with Mary Anne Francis, Jo Walsh and Lewis Sykes
Media Mutandis: a Node.London Reader, surveying art, technologies and politics
<book> NODE.London
ISBN 0955243505
NODE.London [Networked, Open, Distributed, Events. London], the collectively curated month of events in the UK capital, has been characterized by the node concept, establishing a new model for curating a distributed event under a common conceptual umbrella. This reader saves on paper some of the debate richness that involves crucial themes like the economy of cultural production in the present day (including the so much discussed FLOSS schemes) and the Future Wireless scenario with the net everywhere in urban territories. The networking practice in this free and fruitful spirit becomes much more than an abstract scheme of collaboration, but an effective natural way of communicating with peers at any level. So, reflecting the network concept in reality practices would really complete the paradigmatic shift of a society from the scattered group and elites system to what can be summarized in the Catflow-Garret definition: "a state of interdipendence".