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Italian version


30.01.03 Trapped, serial killer with an interface.
Trapped is a work by Sachiko Hayashi, who built a disquieting and quick narration on the serial killers phenomenon. Trying to reproduce the cruel and schizoid mind of the subjects, the author has adopted some human-computer interface characteristics, such as extremely fast scrolling texts, which can be slowed down only by chasing them with the mouse pointer, or the continuous passage of small red spheres (corpuscles), blood-like and ethereal at the same time. Hayashi underlines the fact that the serial deaths phenomenon isn't new in itself, but the collective conscience and the answers given by the social systems to these mysteries of the human psyche are. The material used to build this work was 'sampled' from other sources on the Net: the quotations were taken from the Internet Crime Archives and the photos were taken from other related sites. A thematic remix of informations which, by blending with the images made by the author, accomplishes a practice well defined in one of the cornerstone principles which Hayashi followed to build this work: "in the society of men we're all connected to one another".