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 > Recensioni Archivio emusic  > Neural Magazine  > Neural Station
 > books  > magazines + cd-rom + dvd + video
21.04.04 book.Alexander R. Galloway - Protocol, how control exists after decentralization - The MIT Press.
15.04.04 book.Martin Dodge, Rob Kitchin - Atlas of Cyberspace - Addison-Wesley.
07.04.04 book.(edited by) David Thorburn, Henry Jenkins - Rethinking Media Change : The Aesthetics of Transition - The MIT Press.
01.04.04 book.Greg Elmer - Profiling Machines - The MIT Press.[english]
23.01.04 book.Brian Holmes - Hieroglyphs of the Future - Arkzin Communications[english]
19.12.03 book.Konrad Becker - Tactical Reality Dictionary - Edition Selene.[english]
10.12.03 book.edited by Henry Jenkins and David Thorburn - Democracy and New Media - The MIT Press.
23.10.03 book.edited by Armin Medosch - Dive - Fact. [english]
21.10.03 book.Simson Garfinkel - Database Nation - O'Reilly.
09.10.03 book.Collettivo A/traverso - Alice è il diavolo, Storia di una radio sovversiva - Shake Underground
09.10.03 book.Geert Lovink - my First Recession - V2_NAi Publishers [english]
Mike Godwin Cyber Rights MIT Press
Richard Saul Wurman Information Anxiety 2 Que
David Hudson Rewired Macmillan
Paolo Attivissimo Il telefonino Apogeo
Martignaco, Pasteris, Romagnolo Sesto Potere Apogeo
Strano Network Net Strike, No Copyright Et(-: AAA
02.12.03 cd-rom/video.Safe Distance -[english]
13.11.03 dvd.Archivos Babilonia - Archivos del Observatorio - OVNI.
06.02.04 magazine.Telestreet - Derive Approdi
16.01.04 magazine + dvd video.p2p fightsharing! - Indymedia Italy.[english]
18.12.03 newspaper.World Information, special Intellectual Property Edition - Institut für Neue Kulturtechnologien/t0.[english]